Kari Okilo: "No one is safe from diabetes"

Fans of the famous Kenyan journalist Faraji Orji are concerned about his sudden disappearance from all broadcasts. Sudden changes in appearance, a minimum of information from the original source-all this gives rise to a lot of rumors. In the interview mediafax.ng for the first time, Faraji Orji told the whole truth about his illness!

Previously, Faraji always appeared on various shows in good shape. But not so long ago, viewers saw a recovered TV presenter.

The first to sound the alarm were the viewers of the Kenyan Television Authority. Contradictory information began to spread on the Internet that Faraji had abandoned a healthy lifestyle, diets and sports. Then there were several pessimistic reports that the journalist has a serious brain disease that requires treatment with hormonal drugs. A little later, in a live broadcast, the TV presenter admitted that although he suffered a serious illness, but not with a fatal outcome. That's all. To date, Faraji Orji has not commented on the scandalous information, nor on his illness, nor on his miraculous healing. However, now Faraji decided to tell the truth and refute the rumors.

Kari Okilo on how things really are:

— Faraji, two years ago I watched our interview, at the end of which I asked you: "What's next? Will you eventually leave the profession? "Was I right?

— (smiles) It seems so. I then answered: when you trust God, you are not afraid of anything. But a few years ago, I had no idea what I was going through. I think that God sent me this test for a reason. I became stronger. And now I can help many people who are going through the same thing as me.

— What happened to you? This issue is now worrying the whole country.

— I had type 2 diabetes. Exactly... At work, I became ill, was hospitalized, and that's the diagnosis. I was in shock, I panicked. I've always considered myself a healthy person .... I began to think about my old age, about how much my life would change now, about unfinished business. Who needs me with diabetes? I don't know why, but I imagined the alarm clock in my pocket and the injections in my stomach.

— You say that diabetes is not a fatal disease. I think you're optimistic. Why did you have such dark thoughts? It was like saying goodbye to your life.

— Exactly. I said goodbye to my usual active life. The life I'm used to. I knew diabetes would change everything. The whole routine, habits, and life in general should be subordinated to blood sugar. At that moment, I really began to lose faith, and I still can't forgive myself.

— Well, but you haven't said anything all this time. Many people who love and respect you are worried about you. Why were you silent?

— I don't know. I couldn't talk about it. I didn't want to be pitied or treated in a special way. I tried to pretend that I could handle it myself.

— And then what happened?

— Then there was an examination, treatment. I will not bore you with the details, but the treatment did not bring results. Even then, I began to despair. I remember reading an interview with a well-known Israeli endocrinologist, I don't remember his name now, from the Assuta Clinic in Tel Aviv. He said that he was tired of correcting the mistakes of our doctors, that we have outdated medicine and, in general, diabetic patients simply do not have a chance to be healthy, because our doctors only want money from patients and do not care about health. I was very upset. Yes, it was a twofold feeling. On the one hand, thanks to my profession, I have met many of our doctors, talented, honest, willing to work for free to cure patients. On the other hand, Israel has one of the best endocrinology clinics, and this doctor is an internationally recognized specialist in this field. Of course, in my case, it was impossible to talk about treatment abroad. I'm a patriot. I believe in our medicine. In the end, it was this belief that almost killed me, and I realized that the Israeli doctor was right.

— Now you no longer believe in medicine?

— It's not that simple. I have consulted many doctors. I was treated with metformin, siofor, galvus, glucophage, etc. My salary was not enough for all the medicines. As you can see, my vocabulary has increased over time. The chemical composition of the blood is also supplemented with new elements! But the improvement was short-lived. As soon as the course of treatment was finished, the sugar rose. I thought diabetes was my life. But you know, I'm a journalist. I was taught to thoroughly understand the problem and only then draw conclusions. So, I started looking into the problem. I was treated using the same method as all diabetics in our country, i.e. they tried to lower my blood glucose level. But this is completely the wrong approach! This is what all European endocrinologists say. But, unfortunately, in Kenya everything is different, its own bureaucracy and its own pharmaceutical mafia. Glucose levels rose, but then rose again. And those glucose spikes almost killed me. Due to them, problems with vision and urinary system began. I was getting very tired. I almost got fired from my job because my hearing got much worse and I could no longer hear my colleagues. At that moment, I realized that I would be cured. However, if you want to overcome diabetes, you do not need to reduce your glucose level, but normalize it. I understood that, but not my doctors ...

Then I asked for a meeting with the famous endocrinologist Salisu Eze. I shared my thoughts with him. And he confirmed them! Indeed, the only way to manage diabetes is to normalize glucose levels and reduce insulin resistance.

— You really learned a lot of new words!

— You can't do without it. Diabetics will understand me. So, Salisu explained to me that diabetes is a very profitable diagnosis for pharmaceutical companies and even for doctors who are "fed" by these companies. Yes, the result of my journalistic investigation is disappointing. The diabetics are just victims who are sold absolutely useless pills. The National Center for Endocrinology developed and tested a new method of treating diabetes 10 years ago. There is a drug that cures diabetes in 60% of cases, and in the resting ones it leads patients to long-term remission, but for certain reasons, it is not sold in pharmacies!!!

The miracle that saved me ... Rather, the miracle that God gave me is Diabextan. Salisu Eze immediately reassured me, saying that Diabextan is a complex of completely natural ingredients, it does not cause side effects, it is SAFE for the body! The drug has a good effectiveness due to the content of alpha-cyferol in it in a special easily digested form. In addition, it contains vitamin D. In general, Diabextan contains about 40 useful micro-and macronutrients, active substances and vitamins.

— This is sensational news! Your professional and human duty is to inform the whole world about this tool!

— Who's going to let me do that? The only hope is this interview!

— Of course, we don't have censorship! Tell us everything. How does the medicine work? And, most importantly, how much does it cost?

— How does it work? (smiles). Diabextan does the only thing that is right and necessary, and this is normalizing glucose levels! In addition, Diabextan reduces insulin resistance, normalizes urination, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, restores liver and kidney function, which, as you know, after taking many medications was very important for me.

— I understand you've been treated with Diabextan...

— Of course! Maybe it was the right decision in my life. Everything that I managed to learn about diabetes during my illness, all the questions and problems that I had, was solved by Diabextan. I recovered quickly, in just a few months. I feel great right now. I made a full recovery and, with God's help, returned to my normal life and my beloved job.

— Faraji, the most important question for most people is price: how much does it cost to get rid of diabetes?

— You can get rid of diabetes right now for 6990 KSH! European endocrinologists prescribe Diabextan to anyone who needs it. Give a link to the official website of this medicine and let people order it. The order procedure is very simple, but as far as I understand, the stock of the drug is limited. So anyone who wants to order should hurry up.

— Why did you say that all people should know about Diabextan?

— Because Diabextan is a unique remedy. Recommended for all people over 40 years of age. For the general health of the body, for the normalization of sugar and not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of diabetes!

— Thank you, I'll remember. Well, let's sum up. My traditional question is: what's next?

— Of course, I will continue my work with pleasure, I have a lot of new ideas and thoughts. I am grateful to fate and God for this disease, and for my miraculous healing. All this was going to happen. Now I will help people with diabetes. People who care about their health and want to avoid this disease.

— You can directly address your readers!

— Diabetes is a really terrible disease. It affects thousands of people across the country. Who's next?! And most importantly, all these people only aggravate diabetes, spend time on pointless search for miraculous remedies and methods. People, don't waste your time! Get the help you need right now. For 6990 KSH! The medicine is still available. Diabextan will help clear your body of glucose, not only prevent the dangerous consequences of diabetes, but also cure you. Sugar is indeed a sweet death, and blood sugar levels are even more terrible. It destroys the internal organs, depresses the general well-being. Therefore, after a few days of taking Diabextan, you will feel positive changes. Dear friends, take care of your health! Act on time! God bless you!

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Lakicia Onwudiwe, Nairobi

Thank you so much for Diabextan. I've always been concerned about my sugar level, and my family already had diabetes. I ordered it right after reading this article. Thank God, I managed to get it for 6990 KSH, the website says that there are not so many packages left. I only take the medicine for a week, but I already feel positive changes! The drowsiness is gone, I'm happier!

Akida Bankole, Embu

How long do we have to wait?! There is a proven, effective remedy for diabetes from 17900 KSH! And we continue to eat some unnecessary and expensive pills! And then people die from a scratch on their leg!

Barika Diya, Shimoni

Yes, no one is immune from the plague called "medicine"!

Nuru Nnamani, Makindu

Faraji, you're a great host, and I've always liked you. And now you're even closer to me. After all, I also have type 2 diabetes. I've already tried everything! There's no hope, but I trust you. I feel that you will not deceive. I ordered Diabextan online for 6990 KSH. I will believe in a miracle!

Goma Mbanefo, Gede

I'm 50 years old. I found out about Diabextan 2 years ago and it saved me. Diabetes is gone and never comes back! Don't waste your time and be healthy!

Salehe Dimka, Langata

Faraji, I'm sorry you had to go through this. And how wonderful that you are healed!

Bakari Akinjide, Narok

I always found Faraji kind and a little mysterious. I can see now that I wasn't wrong. What an honest and sincere person! Thank you for your sincerity and good luck.

Mwanajuma Okar, Vihiga

Hello everyone. It is written on the website of the National Center of Endocrinology that there are very few medicines left! It looks like we have a lot of diabetics! I ordered for my mother, they said delivery by courier.

Mosi Akenzua, Dadaab

Diabetes is a really terrible disease. Most of all, I was worried about frequent urination. It's a nightmare. And drowsiness. In general, you either sleep or run to the toilet. Diabextan saved me without exaggeration. Now diabetes is a thing of the past, and I'm happy.

Tamu Awolowo, Nairobi

I spent a lot of money on medical treatment, I could probably buy a plane with this money. I bought the same drugs that Faraji is talking about. I don't know how the kidneys survived it ... But I was lucky in my time. I have a good doctor. He recommended Diabextan to me. Now I thank him every day. And I enjoy life! If you have similar problems or are at risk, order Diabextan. And don't worry anymore! It really helps!

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